Sunday, April 27, 2008

Should We Try to stop the new wave of Third World Immigration?

I do not believe that we as Americans should stop the new wave of immigrants from coming into the country and becoming US citizens. It is the cycle of life for America; America was built on the backs of immigrants therefore, that cycle continues. The way people in America survive is that they start from the bottom up. All the immigrants in this nation had to work hard (or oppress another race to work hard for them). So once the immigrants become successful and are accepted as US citizens there are certain jobs the US citizens don’t want to do.
For example lets take a fictional character like Tom who is now a doctor who went to med school at the prestigious Harvard University. Now when Tom was 15 years old he worked at Footlocker as a janitor, so he liked the job when he was young but now that he is 28 and a doctor he would not ever think about going back to being a janitor for Footlocker. Even though there is nothing wrong with a custodial job it is not where Tom saw himself. In this country most people have work from the bottom up. So in this great land of opportunity we are suppose to allow anyone willing to contribute to the success of this country the right to do so. Without immigrants certain jobs some of the people in the country consider tedious and demeaning, will go undone. We should allow “all men the … right to the pursuit of happiness”.

Should Schools Provide Free Birth Control to Teenagers?

I do not believe that schools should pass out free birth control. The free distribution of contraception products will only add to a world wind of problems with schools in the country. Schools already have enough issues figure out funding for books, the shortage of teachers because of low pay, and test scores lowering throughout the nation (not even mentioning that the students are way behind other students around the world) for school nurses having to give out birth control.
Schools would have to be concerned about the age limit of when a student is “age appropriate” to be responsible enough to be given birth control. Teenage girls are just starting to develop their bodies so who to say if the birth control could have a negative side effect hindering their puberty. Also, birth control does not solve the issue of Sexually Transmitted Diseases; the birth control will only encourage adolescences to engage in risky behavior and not think about the repercussions of STDs. Another issue is that parental consent will start to raise its ugly head. Morally speaking parents would not want their children given birth control because the purpose of school is to educate not prescribe medication.
Therefore, giving birth control to teenagers should not even be considered as an option. It is not only morally and ethically wrong; it can be very dangerous. So my best option would be to continue to teach sex awareness and stress abstinence its much safer!

Is Affirmative Action Programs Fair?

I am a strong believer of affirmative action. The program helps minorities
(especially Blacks) gain access to some the least diverse colleges and prestigious universities. Affirmative Action does not only focus on race but it also shines light upon the unequal education in the US provided by the public and private sector.
It is common knowledge that students in private school perform better on the SAT then their peers attending public schools. The Affirmative Action program does not focus on gaining easier access to colleges for minorities, it does exactly the opposite. Affirmative Action gives the admission representative more ways of deciding on who should be awarded admissions to the school; not solely based on grades but giving the opportunity of higher education to the student that deserves it most! Affirmative Action is all about who fought the hardest in order to graduate from high school. It is not just about students who were relatively good students in high school because the school they graduated from pushed them to do so. Given that the average minority student has to fight the bad statistics and stereotypes, which say that, they are not smart enough to compete in the corporate world.
So I will continue to believe in Affirmative Action program. It not only gives minority students a chance to prove themselves worthy of higher education; but it also, adds hope to the American dream. The land of opportunity is for all who are willing to work for it Affirmative Action is just a tool used to help for that fight.
Attraction is a way of life whether we like it or not; we are attracted to those who catch or eye and no matter how cynical it is we are creators of habit in all shapes and form. It is what separates us from the animals but it is what makes us human; through our feelings, verbal communication, and the ability to take care of ourselves there is no harm in that; but there is harm in only paying attention to the physical.
There are many reasons why we are attracted or not attracted to certain individuals. They can be a persons upbringing, personal insecurities, a persons confidence, and a combination of all etc. We can not contain who we are attracted to this feeling of attraction may develop in the womb. It could be the foods we eat the music we listen to or the world of media that surrounds us. It is in our society that we form our many beliefs and inherit our culture. However, it is up to us to get past the surface of the outer layer and be able to see the inner soul that lives inside us all. Everyone wants to be love and although we must love the skin we are in, we must first learn to love what is inside before concentrating on what is outside.
So the purpose of attraction impacts humanity greatly because without attraction there isn’t friendship or relationships or mating so attraction is our survival method. The reasoning behind attraction (which is the action) explains a little bit about our intellect and how are bodies shape it however, it does point out how complex us humans are. No matter how hard we try we can not control you we are attracted to until the aspect of compatibility plays it’s role because without it we are powerless.


1 Genetic Engineering –Physical Attraction and the future of human evolution,, December 12,2005

2 &3 Charles Feng, The Psychology and Biology of Beauty,, Issue 6; December 2002, December 12,2005

4 & 5 The Art of Sciences The science – Emotional brain holds what is attractive to us,, December 12,2005

This essay was inspired by the psychology book for course 105 the chapter on Social Thought and social Behavior
However, the reality is that neither aspect can survive without the other. Although physical attractiveness is what is usually what ignites the spark it is up to compatibility to turn that spark into a flame. The same is said for compatibility because there is no comparing without an initial physical interaction. For example no one walks down the street as says that women looks like she is intellectual ( at least no smart person would say that without initial contact).We are visual beings no matter how odd or harsh it sounds we like people that appeal to us; part of appeal is the outer spectrum whether its body, face, or both we all judge these things.
It has become a cliché to say beauty is only skin deep. Which I agree with all except the is only because there isn’t a skin deep without the skin. A person can never go deeper then the outer appearance if there isn’t an outer appearance. Even when as humans read books we are able to connect to the characters by visual imagery then, compatibility.
Or take a doctor for example before his or her nurse gives you a shot she or he must find the right spot on the skin because only then will the nurse be able to pierce the skin to go deeper inside the human body. The nurse will not ever be able to give the shot correctly if her or she does not look or does not know where to put the shot. So attractiveness is the composite of two attributes the physical and compatibility.
Another reason why these two make ups of attractiveness go hand and hand is that the physical is natural a power that at times can be unsustainable whereas compatibility is a base on strengths and weaknesses in a person personality.
The other aspect of attractiveness is compatibility comes once physical attraction

is overcome whether the person realizes that there is more to that particular person

beyond the physical or the physical attraction ignites a desire to get to know the person

better. According to The science – Emotional brain holds what is attractive to us

states that in order…

“To deeply understand the foundation of a bonding response…. take a look at what an intimate relationship is between two people. Intimacy is marked by close acquaintance, association or familiarity and characterized by informality and privacy. This essential, innermost human relationship can be experienced in a familiar glance, a private touch or even the smell of a close friend[1]

Intimacy. is the result of compatibility, because of compatibility once a person

gets past the physical a relationship can develop where deep conversation can be

explored and evolve anew bond between two individuals making them whole.

Compatibility" is one of the first looks into the biological basis for human attachment and bonding…said Rebecca Turner, Ph.D., University of California-San Francisco adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry and lead author of the study…Our study indicates that oxytocin may be mediating emotional experiences in close relationships…It seems that having this hormone "available" during positive experiences, and not being depleted of it during negative experiences, is associated with well-being in relationships," [2]

Compatibility is about forming relationships whether it’s a friendship or a

intimate relationship compatibility forms the bond that connects people to one another

good or bad. The relationships formed can be based upon many aspects such as common

interest, totally opposite interest, and neutral views. The love between two individual all

start with physical attraction but without compatibility there is no connection and the
progression to succeed in a relationship will be altered to a point of nonexistence
[1] The Art of Sciences The science – Emotional brain holds what is attractive to us,, December 12,2005

[2] The Art of Sciences The science – Emotional brain holds what is attractive to us,, December 12,2005
The psychology of attraction cannot be controlled only molded at the beginning of

childhood. However, babies come out of the womb with a sense of attractions to certain

people. For example at times a baby may respond better to a certain individual and being

able to be comfortable with a total stranger can be an early stage of attraction. According

to a article called Looking Good: The Psychology and Biology of Beauty states that…

“Babies spend more time staring at pictures of individuals than they do at photos of asymmetric ones. Moreover, when several faces are averaged to create a composite -- thus covering up the asymmetries that any one individual may have -- a panel of judges deemed the composite more attractive than the individual pictures.”[1]

What the quote is saying is that babies pay attention to the shape of the face

and how they pay more attention to a more distinguished face.

Another factor apart of the science of physical attractiveness is the way others act towards each other for example
“In one study, 70% of college students deemed an instructor physically attractive when he acted in a friendly manner, while only 30% found him attractive when he was cold and distant. Indeed, when surveyed for attributes in selecting a mate, both males and females felt kindness and an exciting personality were more important in a mate than good looks. Thus, to a certain degree, beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.”[2]

It is also said that personality contributes to a person’s outer appearance, just like the college students (see quote above) proved that no matter how physically attractive a person is no one wants to be around a stoic person. The physical only makes people want to either become more acquainted or not really care to be around that particular person. It is solely based upon the outer form which inhabits the actual person’s inner being. There is no way to see what the individual has to offer intellectually, emotionally, or romantically. This is the major problem with physical attraction. It can leave human beings vulnerable and open for all hurt and despair, which can leads to psychological problem.

[1] Charles Feng, The Psychology and Biology of Beauty,, Issue 6; December 2002, December 12,2005

[2] Charles Feng, The Psychology and Biology of Beauty,, Issue 6; December 2002, December 12,2005

Attractiveness: Compatibility

Behind all human actions there is always a reason for doing the act. So if one wonders why they are attracted to a particular person; there is a reason beyond mere luck. However, there is a science to why a heart may shiver or feet may become shaky in the presence of another human being. It deals with the compatibility of our physical attraction to other people; whether it’s the scent of their persona or how asymmetrical their face is, it all surrounds the genre of science; the subject matter of psychology to be more precise. There are many concepts and studies that go into the art of attractiveness dealing with physical desirability and compatibility to be with a certain person.
What exactly is physical attraction and what is the foundation of this particular attraction? According to an article called Genetic Engineering – Physical Attraction and the future of human evolution states…
“Physical attractiveness refers to the perception (appearance) of an individual as physically beautiful by other people. Some aspects of how a person is judged beautiful are universal to all cultures, whereas others are restricted to particular cultures or time periods. What is at the root of physical attractiveness? It is theorized that people are attracted to people possessing those traits which convey an ability to enhance one's own survival … those traits with which they wish to imbue their offspring. Whether this theoretical root cause occurs consciously or subconsciously (perhaps through evolutionarily development) is also a matter of debate”[1]
[1] Genetic Engineering –Physical Attraction and the future of human evolution,, December 12,2005


The Internet provider will have to cooperate with the entertainment industry they
will have to find away to divide the money up between the two companies and within. It
will be a good trade in order to end piracy. Even though this act adds another group to be

This is an Act worth fighting for because the weaknesses are only a possibility
and the solution benefits both parties. Congress should pass my solution because it could
end music piracy, as we know it. This bill will not take a long time for both parties to see
the benefits unlike many of my previous solutions above; this solution is a winner and
will end music piracy.
The Billing Fee Act if passed would be a much better solution to music piracy
then, the other three solutions I explored in the previous paragraphs. TheThe Billing Fee
Act will satify both the consumer and the Entertainment Industry. This bill has will be a
great stepping stone towards ending music piracy; because this bill if passed can and will
surpass all can surpass congreses expectation of resloving music piracy.
Work Cited
“Bill Summary & Status”, Rep Smith, Lamar, Piracy Deterrence in Education, MacWorld staff, http://thomas\. D108; HR04077: @ L&summ2=m&, March 31,2004, February 1,2005
Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act Section-by-Section Description, asec.htm, February 15,2005
“House CIIP Subcommittee Holds Hearings on Piracy Deterrence and Education Act”, Rep Smith, February 1,2005
IDG News Service, Consumers’ Digital Rights Debated”,,aiid, 116121,00asp, February 15,2005
Lamar,,, February1, 2005
"Legal downloads rising fast", November 11,2004,, November 12,2004
"Movie studios load anti-piracy guns", July 11, 2004, Section=Celebrity&OID=54923, November 19,2004
"Music Piracy and the audio home recording act" Duke law & technology Review, November 20,2002,, December 8, 2004
News team, "The consolidation of the music industry...”,
Novemb19,2004 PC world, ”Consumers’ Digital Rights Debated”,,aiid,116121,00asp, February 15,2005
"RIAA's Statistics Don't Add Up to Piracy" by George Ziemann, December11, 2002,
, November 18,2004
Chp5Part3See Audio Home Recording Act, 17 USC 1002 (1994) (requiring the serial copy management system); see also U.S. Department of Commerce, Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure: Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights (Washington, D.C.: Information Infrastructure Task Force, 1995), 179, 189–90.

a novel strategy

My second solution (Piracy Deterrence) was rated a three because it failed to
make its case as a good solution. The cease and dissent letter were a little too patient with
Internet users and gave them too much leeway. Also the prosecution part of the solution
was jumping from one extreme to another. This solution also did not have the consumers
in their best interest.
The third solution Internet Use Education Program I rated a two because even
though Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act provided consumers with FBI labels to
notify that illegal copying will end in incarceration. However, this solution could be
much better if consumers were given a chance to redeem themselves. The name of my
solution is The Billing Fee Act. This act would have Internet users pay an extended fee
on their Internet bill for downloading music. This extended fee will come in a package so
if a person does not want this feature (fee) then, they can simply ask their Internet
Company to take it off the bill. This would allow Internet users the benefit of
downloading all the music they want as long as they pay the extended fee. The
government would no longer fine people for downloading music because they will be
paying for the music through their Internet Company. Internet users who are now in jail
or paying a fine to the Entertainment Industry will have a special arrangement made to
relieve their debt. If a consumer or Internet user does not pay their bill they will simply
have their Internet service temporarily terminated until the past payment is compensated.
The previous solutions above were not sufficient in handling the problem of
music piracy; therefore I have come up with my own solution. The solutions above
lacked satisfaction to all the parties affected by music piracy. When I rated my first
solution (Music Piracy and the Audio Home Recording Act) it was a very good idea and I
rated it a one because the remaking of CD’s would prohibit illegally downloading. Also,
this Act gives the entertainment companies more power to regulate over their product. It
could help them regain the money lost from Internet piracy. However, this Act would be
too expensive and cause a lot of chaos among consumers because it affects the Internet
user imperfectly. This idea is already being played around with at different colleges
throughout the country. College campuses are really trying to stamp out music piracy by
incentives and through education reform so this act would be perfect for students.
This Act would benefit the Entertainment Industry because the music would no
longer be free. The entertainment business will also be compensated for lost sales
because more people would desire for this extra feature; so the Entertainment Industry
will get more customers. There will be a better collaboration between the Internet’s
Company and the Entertainment Industry; the Entertainment Industry will have to discuss
a reasonable price and deals to give the Internet User. Also, if a internet user continues to
download music illegally they’re internet services will be terminated.
The Internet user will also reap the benefits of this act because the government
will no longer fine them for Internet users for downloading music illegally. This is what
my previous solutions lacked, satisfaction from the consumers. Through this act
consumers will become more interested in music and will be heavily encouraged to buy
The only problem might be is that the Entertainment Industry pricing fee maybe
unreasonable and may cause a disapproval consumer outburst. In that case the
Entertainment Industry would have to go back to the drawing board. However, this is
only a possibility because most likely the Entertainment Industry just wants to end music
piracy, so they probably will do whatever is necessary to end this issue.

more music piracy

Music Piracy And the Audio Home Recording Act
The Music piracy and The Audio Home Recording Act, was originally a case
filed in 1992.The FBI petitioned the FCC to enhance government power on the regulation
of music. So this is not only an act but it is also, a case that caused, much controversy in
the early 90s.The case was filed by the Recording Industry Association of America
(RIAA) against Diamond Multimedia Systems Inc. This case was to stop the mp3 player
from being manufactured instead, the government is still consider to invent a censorship
tactic in order to stop the mass production of music piracy.
This act could stop copy-written music from being pirated; by creating new copy
protected disc that will not be able to play in computers.
“It required producers of digital recording devices to install in their systems a chip that implements a code-based system to monitor the copies of any copy made on that machine. The chip would allow a limited number of personal copies. On copies of copies, the quality of the recording would be degraded. Congress in essence required that the code of digital copying be modified to restore the imperfections that were natural in the earlier code”.
(Department of Commerce)
If this act were to be put into place, it would allow the Entertainment Companies
to recover from the sell lost from music piracy. The Audio Home Video Recording Act
gives the Entertainment Companies and government more power to regulate the Internet.
Also, the alteration of CDs’ will not only change the CD to be of lesser quality every time
it is copied. This alteration can also, help get rid of music pirates on the streets and has
the possibility of Internet users returning back to CD store to buy their CDs’ legally.
However, this act is very expensive for both the consumer and the entertainment
companies. If the software in the computers and CD’s players were to be change it could
cost the entertainment business millions of dollars. They would have to hire technicians
and special facilitators to handle this task and they would have to create this new
software in a lab in which, the entertainment companies would have to rent and supply t
he tools used to perform this electrical surgery. Also, time is another factor that has to be
considered. This act may end music piracy but this act may take too long to develop.
In addition, the Internet users would need to buy the new CD’s with the new
software. This act has the possible effect to cause consumers and Internet users to boycott
these products. Therefore, in the end this act could endanger the entertainment industry
by Internet users boycott, but if consumers do not boycott then, the entertainment
industry will have finally found a solution to get rid of music piracy.
Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act
The Digital Media Consumer rights act was passed in 2003 by congress and the
act will place labels on all CD’s’ to verify a product as copyrighted. This act will allow
the entertainment industry to inform the consumer about copyrighted music and how it is
illegal to copy this music without proper permission. The entertainment industry has
begun to place FBI anti-piracy Warnings on All new CD’s that are being produced.
“Proponents say that the bill… requires copy-protected CD’s be clearly
labeled, and would protect consumers from being prosecuted under anti-circumvention
regulations in instances where no copyright law has been broken”. (Medill News Service)
This Act is arguing that if a consumer copied music before these FBI labels were put on
CDs then, the consumer cannot be indicted because they were unaware of the act of
the repercussions downloading free music.
This solution gives people no excuse to download music illegally. The
government is giving the public a chance to redeem themselves before they take the next
However, opponents of this new act say that putting labels on CDs will not stop
Internet Users from downloading music illegally. According to IDG News Service “more
action is needed to keep major copyright-holding companies from monopolizing the
content marketplace”. This bill gives the consumer no excuse to download music
illegally. The bill allows consumers to be reminded of these laws every time they look at
their CDs. Also, the bill will not allow Internet users to continue to download music off
the Internet for free and if the person continues to do so then, the a cease and dissent
letter will be sent out and the last result is prosecution. So this is a negative for the
Internet user/consumer.
Furthermore, “both sides agree that a balance in copyright law is needed. The
conflict is between consumers’ rights and copyright holders rights. The public wants
access to information and technology, while copyright holders want to control the
dissemination of their digital property” (PC World).
Whether or not this solution works for both sides is a matter of opinion. I believe
that Both the Internet user and entertainment industry can be satisfied, but the
government will have to think hard to solve this ongoing problem.
However, the public does not always take this act seriously. Therefore the second
part of this solution is persecution. If a person continues to download music after the FBI
gives them the cease and dissent letter then, the FBI would be forced to sue that
individual of whatever amount they owe. This is the government last result and failure to
pay will result in imprisonment. The government wants people to take this matter
One of the major issues with this act is that it would require the Internet
companies to give the names of Internet pirates; which is a violation of the 4th
Amendment right to privacy also, people may see the warning letters sent by the DOJ and
FBI as a joke; never realizing that if these letters are to ignored people will be sued and
may serve jail time if they continue their illegal acts. Also, my question is will the FBI
able to give letters to everyone who participates in the illegal act of music piracy. This
law is very expensive because it would be very costly in order to educate the public on
music piracy. Also, sending out these letters will take a significant amount of time. It may
even be difficult to enforce because peoples arguments in court could be they never
received the letters and in the end could be utter chaos. Also, I am not sure if
consumers/internet users would be satisfied because CD’s still are expensive and their
needs have not been met. The government has not even considered them; the government
has already classified the public as wrong doers that need another chance.
Prevention may be a good way to make the public aware of the dangers of music
piracy my only concern, music piracy is a very complex problem and I wonder where the
government is starting and how effective it will be as a law. I also wonder if the courts
would get tired of these piracy cases and decide to throw them out of the courts because
they are too complex and a waste of time.
This is entirely the courts decision, it is fair to the consumer however, what about
free music? This solution has a 50 % percent chance of working.


The other bad effect this act may have is that government employees will no
longer be able to copy CD’s through the database because this CD’s will not be able to
play or record on the computer. Also, persons that have already brought CD’s will not be
able to make mix CD’s either.
However, the entertainment industry is the benefactor of this act; because they
feel that they have been “ suppressed” by Internet piracy. If this act were to be put in
place, it would most benefit such companies like (Columbia, Sony, J Records, etc;
because it allows the entertainment companies to censor what the public does. Also, this
act would give the entertainment companies all power in handling their decisions.
Piracy Deterrence and Education Act
One possible solution for Music Piracy is a bill the government called Piracy
Deterrence in Education. This bill is a collaboration between Department of Justice and
the FBI to send out cease and desists letters out to individuals who consistently download
music off the Internet illegally. This solution is to inform people of the dangers and effect
of music piracy. “The Attorney General. …Established an 18-month program under
which the DOJ would send warning letters to the Internet service providers of subscribers
who appear to be engaging in copyright infringing conduct” …This act “allows providers
to forward the warning letters to such subscribers”. But “Prohibits providers from
disclosing any identifying information about such subscribers to DOJ. (Bill Summary
&Status for the 108th Congress) This Bill educates the about piracy and makes them
aware of the dangers of downloading music illegally.
The government is sending persons from the entertainment industry to speak to
youth in school . Some colleges have even took it upon themselves and have spoken to young adults about the danger of illegal downloading.

the epidemic

The Internet users are the last major group that is affected by music piracy.
consumer claim that CD’s are of low quality and concerts are expensive. On the contrary,
the consumer still pay for ” music downloads have climbed over 150 percent as of July
2004, new figures reveal. In fact, 35 per cent of US down loaders aged 12 or more had
paid to download a song - 150 per cent more than in late 2003 - or "roughly 20 million
US residents". 2 This is stating that more people are buying music compared to last year's
statistics. So is the Entertainment Industry overreacting? The Entertainment company
argues that they are not overreacting because their "...Business ... has been crippled by
illegal downloads. (News team)
The impact on the general public is great. As a result of the above conflicts with
music piracy some solutions must be explored, in order to solve the problem of music
Therefore, the audio home recording act could be the end of music piracy. The
RIAA has proposed this act to congress and if it passes, there is a heavy chance that many
Internet users may protest.
The persons most hurt would be the consumers and Internet users. Once again,
they feel their voices and concerns would go unheard. This solution only benefits one
side and lives the other cripple. The consumer/Internet users are being used; it is as if
they have no rights. The reason why piracy exists is that the consumer feels that the
product is too expensive for low quality. The piracy act will not regain the publics love it
will take some time and effect in order to satisfy the internet user. This is exactly hoe
many consumers and Internet users feel.
Already there has been some protesting including a website called,; which is a private organization urging Internet users to stop buying
CD’s because the entertainment industries “actions violate our rights…In addition to
these things the retail price of compact discs continues to skyrocket as the cost to
manufacture disc comes down. They have shut down the original file trading service,
Napster and seek to stop all online file trading…they have colluded to fix prices in
violation of anti-trust laws”(don’t buy CDs). This is just one of the many websites that
protest this act and order others to do the same.

cont Music Piracy

The artists are affected greatly from music piracy because they are the creators of
the music. It does not allow the artist to profit from their product. Music piracy
has the greatest emotional effect on the artist; because their lyrics and their work is being
stolen not and inhabits their creative being. "The most important component of a CD is
the artist's effort in developing that music. Artists spend a large portion of their creative
energy on writing song lyrics and composing music or working with producers and A&R
executives to find great songs from great writers. This task can take weeks, months, or
even years. The creative ability of these artists to produce the music we love, combined
with the time and energy they spend throughout that process is in itself priceless. But
while the creative process is priceless, it must be compensated. Artists receive royalties
on each recording, which vary according to their contract, and the songwriter gets
royalties too. In addition, the label incurs additional costs in finding and signing new
artists."4 (George Ziemann) However, the newer artist suffer the most because when their
music is leaked out onto the Internet they lose their potential fan base: since they are a
new artist most would rather Internet users Not download the CD’s because they don’t
have loyalty to them, because the new artist and consumer has not developed a
relationship. Compared to the veteran artist that already is successful they will most
likely continue to be successful because they already have a loyal fan base.
The next group that is affected is by music piracy is the music corporations; because they
invest in the music. They give the artist money to record; they publicize the music, put
the CD out, etc. music industry states that the major issue is "It's hugely important that
we fight piracy now," says Matt Grossman, (MacWorld staff director) of digital strategy
for the Motion Picture Assn. of America. "Only one in 10 films make its money from
theatrical release. Studios lost $3.5 billion in 2003 on the optical-disc piracy front."
Henry McGee, president of HBO Home Video, warns that the $20 billion U.S. DVD
industry "could all come crashing down if we are Napsterized." (MacWorld staff director)
Explaining that video sells make the majority of profit when it comes to the movie
industry; and if the Entertainment Industry is afraid that if they allow websites such as,
Kazaa, Gobster, and Napster, that it music piracy would be the end of the Entertainment
Industry. The Entertainment Industry also states that money and jobs are being lost all
because of music piracy. According to the Entertainment companies it is the Internet user
fault; that there is a "Total sales dropped 4.1 percent". (George Ziemann) this has upset
the Entertainment industry greatly.

Music Piracy Epidemic

In my music, I’m trying to play the truth of what I am.
Time.... They’re singing your praises while stealing your
Phrases.” Charles Mingus

All of a sudden pirated music is everywhere: on the Internet, street vendors, and
even in some CD stores. Consumers find irresistible, the act of being able to listen to the
music before they purchase the CD. However, it is not general knowledge that
downloading free music is illegally and can send Internet users to prison.
There must be away to inform the people about the dangers of music piracy without incarcerating them. The first step into informing the public we must explain to the them what exactly is music piracy.


According to the Berkman Center for Internet society at Harvard Law school piracy is defined as “the unauthorized duplication of goods protected by intellectual property law (e.g. copying software unlawfully)”so music piracy is the copying of CD’s and songs downloaded for free from the Internet illegally (meaning that the Internet website that provides the music does not have proper authorization to do so). Downloading music for free is illegal because the artist and music corporation loses their money and loses the profits they make from their ownership, which is called royalties. The three main groups most affected by music piracy are: the artists, music corporations, and the consumers.

My Life in a nutshell

Imagine . . . Living off campus for the first time. Living unrestricted without parental supervision or residence life, lording over. It sounds like a good deal. Being able to plan endless parties. Excessively loud music that causes internal ear damage. This was my life hint the word WAS. Considering I have not mentioned a MAJOR particle of my apartment fiasco; The roommate. Who was the most over-bearing, egotistical, narcissistic, uncouth, perpetual liar, I have ever met. I had the room mate from dante's inferno. I can not even begin to unmask the beast that I was subjected too because everyday I still ponder the soap opera my life once was. She claims to be an NYU grad, Supermodel, Dental Hygentist, Real Estate Agent, Part-time Stock-broker/Hollister manager. As psycho as that sounds that is just the icing to the cake. It turns out that my well rounded roomie was a thief. Not only did she steal all my cash she also stole 2 of my friends bank cards and went on a shopping spree. As horrible as that sounds that was not the end to the fiasco. The roomie also use to call me in the wee hours of the morning from a private number to the point where I was unable to rest and believe it or not ALL of these events occurred between February thru the beginning of April . . . and now it is over . . . no more slightly lite candles behind my room door at night . . . THANK GOD!